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March 20, 2024

A strategic guide for B2B tech companies expanding into the US market

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B2B tech companies need to plan strategically and learn a lot about the US market to tap into its huge potential. This complete guide gets you past legal, operational, and cultural problems, stressing how important it is to have a custom plan for entering a market. Entrepreneurs can turn problems into chances by using technology and strategic growth plans. This sets your businesses up for success in the US tech industry.

Diana Velasco
Content Strategist

It can be intimidating to consider entering a new market, particularly one as big and complicated as the US market. B2B companies often face a wide range of problems, including complicated rules and regulations, fierce competition, and cultural quirks that can make or break a business. Though difficult, this expansion will provide you access to the world's largest single-country tech market. According to CompTIA's 'State of the U.S. Tech Industry' study, the US tech industry reached $1.8 trillion in 2022.

Many success stories show that multinational tech businesses can enter and dominate the American market. Spotify, a Swedish startup, has quickly become the top US streaming service with 32% of US music consumers as of 2021. This example show that well-planned market entry and expansion can yield large profits.This endeavor requires courage, strategy, and knowledge. Continue reading to achieve that.

Understanding the U.S. Market

With its wide range of regional economies, industry-specific ecosystems, and customer preferences that differ greatly between states and industries, the U.S. market's sheer breadth and diversity might be complex. Through an awareness of industry trends, market demands, and the unique features of local tech companies, you may adjust your entrance approach to best take advantage of the opportunities that most suit your technology offering.

Allocate time and resources to doing a thorough analysis of the U.S. market, this will help you find strategic alliances and specialized opportunities that are hidden from view by individuals with a cursory knowledge of the industry. Take the growing tech scenes in Austin, Texas, and Denver, Colorado, for example. These centers, which were formerly eclipsed by Silicon Valley, have gained prominence and are now home to a wide range of established tech companies and startups given its confluence of affordable living expenses, welcoming business environments, and a highly skilled labor pool fostered by prominent regional colleges.

Moreover, it is imperative to adjust to the swift advancements in digital transformation that have been spurred by the worldwide pandemic. According to data from the U.S Department of Commerce, the digital economy in the United States expanded by 35% between 2019 and 2021, indicating a change in how companies use technology and services. B2B IT companies that specialize in digital infrastructure, cybersecurity, and remote work solutions, among other areas, will have new opportunities as a result of this transformation.

Legal foundations for foreign entrepreneurs

Seek for professional advice and well-thought-out preparation. Understanding the essential legal groundwork needed to launch and run a foreign-owned company in the United States is the first step along this route. This involves deciding on the best business form, like a corporation or limited liability company (LLC), which satisfies legal requirements while also providing the best possible advantages in terms of liability protection and taxation. A properly organized company may help you gain the trust of investors, partners, and consumers. It can also serve as a strong base for financial and operational planning.

As a reference, more than half of the billion-dollar businesses in the United States were started by immigrants, according to a National Foundation for American Policy study. This shows that foreign entrepreneurs can succeed in the country as long as they successfully negotiate the early legal obstacles.

Furthermore, the environment in which international entrepreneurs operate in the United States is getting more approachable because of tools created especially to make this journey easier. To help international entrepreneurs understand the legal requirements for beginning a business in the United States, such as state-specific regulations, tax obligations, and visa information, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) provides guidelines and tools.

Crafting a market entry strategy

A successful market entry strategy is about knowing where you belong in the ecosystem and how you can help U.S. businesses solve genuine challenges. This strategy entails delving deeply into market research to pinpoint your niche, comprehend the competitive environment, and determine the particular requirements and pain points of your target audience.

A McKinsey & Company analysis claims that businesses can outperform their rivals in revenue growth by prioritizing client needs and tailoring their offerings accordingly. This figure emphasizes how important it is to focus on the needs of the consumer while developing a market entry plan. But knowing your clients isn't the only thing necessary to comprehend the US market. It also entails negotiating cultural quirks, forging the appropriate alliances, and skillfully utilizing regional marketing channels.

While developing your market entry plan, keep in mind that how well you present your product or service is just as important as what you have to offer in the US market. Long-term success can be ensured by adjusting your strategy to suit the needs and preferences of US companies.

Operational considerations for international expansion

Deciding on the ideal site for your company's activities can have an impact on anything from your tax liabilities to your capacity to draw in talent. States with a reputation for being business-friendly, like Texas and Florida, may have benefits over other places in terms of taxes and regulations.

Furthermore, easing operational issues is a major benefit of embracing digital transformation. For instance, scalable solutions for managing finances, operations, and customer interactions internationally can be found in cloud-based technology, which enables companies to be adaptable and responsive to changes in the market. According to an IBM study, businesses that use AI and cloud computing in their operations can save up to 25% on operating expenses.

Strategic planning, local knowledge, and technical innovation should be the main priorities when addressing the operational challenges associated with U.S. expansion. The operational difficulties of entering the U.S. market can be not only traversed but also converted into a strategic advantage by segmenting the process into doable steps and utilizing the appropriate resources and alliances.

Financing your expansion

Through investigating alternatives like crowdsourcing platforms, SBA loans, angel investors, venture capital, and crowdfunding, businesses can find and obtain the cash required to support their growth. Furthermore, establishing strategic alliances with American businesses or investors might offer cash in addition to insightful information about the industry and possible clientele.

Overcoming the funding obstacle will lead to more than just a well-funded expansion; it will provide the groundwork for long-term growth and profitability in the US market. For example, the British fintech company Revolut successfully completed a $500 million Series D funding round backed by the American investment firm TCV. This shows that foreign businesses may raise a sizable sum of money to expand into the United States. In addition to helping Revolut enter the American market, this funding demonstrated American investors' faith in the company's ability to expand and innovate.

Furthermore, financial technologies and platforms can facilitate the financing process and give international enterprises access to a larger pool of potential investors and funding sources. Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and CircleUp give businesses a way to raise money without going through the regular banking channels and connect with potential backers and investors directly.


The secret for a US expansion is to comprehend the market environment, lay a strong legal basis, develop a focused market entrance plan, take operational issues into account, manage cultural differences, and use technology to drive growth. The U.S. market presents a huge array of opportunities for B2B tech companies primed for expansion, in addition to offering new territory to conquer. Schedule a free strategy call with our ABM agency CEO, Alex Hollander. Or visit our homepage for more information regarding B2B SaaS & Tech Growth Operations!

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