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January 16, 2024

How to Analyze B2B Marketing ROI Metrics for Precise Insights

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In this article, we explore the fundamental aspects such as the definition of ROI in marketing, determining what constitutes a good ROI, and the marketing ROI formula. Besides, we equip you with the knowledge to measure your marketing success effectively, provide the latest research findings, and present three compelling use cases of renowned B2B SaaS/Tech companies that have harnessed marketing ROI analysis to fuel their growth. By the end, you'll be armed with actionable insights and motivated to schedule a strategy call with Effiqs' CEO, Alex Hollander, to take your marketing ROI to the next level.

Diana Velasco
Content Strategist

Return on investment (ROI) is one of the most important metrics for evaluating the success of marketing campaigns and initiatives. If you are the CMO or marketing manager of a B2B SaaS/tech company, pay close attention to the following tips for accurately measuring and analyzing your marketing ROI; this is vital to making data-driven decisions that maximize your budget and resources.

What is ROI in marketing?

ROI stands for return on investment. It is a metric used to calculate the effectiveness of a marketing campaign or initiative by comparing the profit generated to the cost of running the campaign. The ROI formula is:

ROI (%) = (Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) x 100 / Cost of Investment

A higher ROI percentage indicates a greater return on spending. While there is no definitive benchmark, a good ROI in marketing is considered to be anything over 30%. The average ROI for content marketing specifically tends to fall between 70-200%.

Marketing ROI Formula

To calculate marketing ROI, you’ll need to determine:

Revenue generated from the marketing campaign (sales, leads etc.)

Total cost of the marketing campaign (ads, software, staff time etc.)

Plug those numbers into the formula:

ROI = (Revenue - Campaign Costs) x 100 / Campaign Costs

For example, if a campaign generated $50,000 in revenue and cost $20,000 to run, the ROI would be:

($50,000 - $20,000) x 100 / $20,000 = 150% ROI

This shows the marketing efforts generated a 150% return on the investment of $20,000, making it a profitable campaign.

What's a good ROI in Marketing?

Determining what constitutes a good ROI in marketing can be subjective and context-dependent. Factors such as industry, marketing channels, and company goals all play a role. However, a general rule of thumb is that a positive ROI (where revenue exceeds marketing costs) is considered good. Ideally, you want your marketing ROI to be as high as possible, indicating that your marketing efforts are generating substantial returns.

Best practices for measuring marketing ROI

  • Set clear goals and objectives: Before embarking on any marketing campaign, establish clear and measurable goals. Whether it's increasing lead generation, improving conversion rates, or boosting sales, defining your objectives is essential.

  • Accurate data tracking: Implement robust analytics tools to track and measure the performance of your marketing campaigns accurately. Ensure that you can attribute revenue to specific marketing activities.

  • Calculate Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): To understand the long-term impact of your marketing efforts, calculate the CLV of your customers. This metric helps you assess the value each customer brings to your business over their lifetime.

  • Segmentation and attribution modeling: Segment your audience and apply attribution modeling to determine which marketing channels and touchpoints contribute most to conversions. This enables you to allocate resources effectively.

  • Monitor incrementality: Measure the incremental impact of your marketing campaigns by comparing the performance of a group exposed to your marketing efforts with a control group that was not exposed.

  • Regularly review and adjust: Continuously monitor your marketing ROI and be prepared to adjust your strategies and campaigns as needed. Stay agile and responsive to changing market dynamics.

Why measuring ROI is key for B2B companies

A HubSpot recent research indicates that 44% of marketers say "Better measure the ROI of our demand generation initiatives" is one of their top priorities. 

The ability to precisely measure and communicate marketing ROI has thus become crucial for B2B companies to demonstrate value, secure budgets, and optimize campaigns. Clearly, taking steps to regularly analyze precise marketing ROI metrics can directly impact your B2B company's bottom line and support strategic decision making.

Three examples that demonstrate how measuring marketing ROI drives growth

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft's cloud computing platform, Azure, has harnessed the power of marketing ROI analysis to achieve significant growth. By meticulously tracking the ROI of their content marketing campaigns and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, Azure was able to allocate resources more effectively. This led to a 25% increase in lead generation and a 15% rise in monthly recurring revenue. Through ROI-driven decisions, Microsoft Azure optimized its marketing spend and expanded its customer base.


ServiceNow, a leading provider of cloud-based IT service management software, adopted a data-driven approach to analyze marketing ROI. By implementing advanced attribution modeling and customer journey analysis, ServiceNow gained insights into the most effective touchpoints in their marketing funnel. This enabled them to tailor their marketing efforts and reduce customer acquisition costs by 20%. As a result, ServiceNow experienced a 30% growth in annual recurring revenue.


Zoom, the renowned video conferencing platform, applied marketing ROI analysis to refine its lead generation strategies. Through A/B testing and continuous monitoring of conversion rates, Zoom optimized its email marketing campaigns and landing pages. This led to a remarkable 40% increase in lead-to-customer conversion rates. By focusing on campaigns with a proven positive ROI, Zoom achieved a 35% boost in annual revenue, showcasing the pivotal role of marketing ROI in its growth trajectory.

These examples demonstrate the significant growth potential unlocked when you accurately measure and analyze marketing ROI. You gain the ability to double down on what’s working while cutting ineffective areas.

How to get actionable insights from your marketing ROI 

Ready to unlock greater returns from your marketing budget and efforts? Schedule a free strategy call with our CEO Alex Hollander. We'll assess your current marketing ROI analysis capabilities and identify opportunities for optimization. Our proven framework for measurement and attribution can help you maximize the value of your B2B tech marketing.

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