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3-month program

Quickly increase your mobile app installs

Elevate your app and boost downloads, supercharge engagement and increase user retention by 50%. We help you realize your vision in just three months.

Join our growing list of satisfied companies

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Unlock Your Mobile Apps’ True Growth Potential

Rev up your mobile app with our 3-month program:
More Engagement, More Revenue, More Leadership


How the program works

We’ve crafted a meticulously structured, step by step blueprint tailored for mobile apps, aiming to supercharge user acquisition, enhance in-app engagement, and drive sustainable growth.

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Discovery and Research

We start by gaining an understanding of your business, your mobile app's unique value proposition, your target audience, and the competitive landscape. This informs our comprehensive strategies, aimed at attracting and retaining users.

User Acquisition Strategy

We focus on increasing your mobile app downloads by merging SEO and ASO with targeted advertising campaigns —from social media ads to influencer partnerships. Every action, from content calendars to ad launches, is designed to resonate and attract.

User-Generated Video Content Strategy

We harness the power of user-generated content by encouraging your app users to share video testimonials. This approach fuels organic growth and equips you with authentic marketing content to enhance your brand narrative.

Customer Journey Mapping

A seamless in-app experience is vital. By mapping the customer journey, we'll identify touchpoints and potential bottlenecks. This blueprint guides us in enhancing user engagement throughout their journey.

User Segmentation

By analyzing user data, we'll create your distinct audience segments. This allows us to tailor the in-app experience and marketing campaigns, ensuring personalized user engagement.

UX Design Improvements

Drawing critical insights from user feedback, we propose intuitive design enhancements. Your mobile app will always display a user-friendly interface, ensuring users enjoy every interaction.

Strategy Implementation

We execute our carefully-tailored strategies to launch effective campaigns and refine the mobile app experience. While monitoring user responses, we're always ready to optimize for the best results.

User Feedback and Continuous Optimization

Feedback guides us. Embedding feedback mechanisms, we'll gain invaluable insights. This continuous loop ensures your mobile app remains dynamic, evolving to captivate its users.

User Retention and In-app Engagement Strategy

Through personalized emails, push notifications, and rich content, we aim to make your mobile  app indispensable for users, ensuring they're consistently engaged. 

the dream outcome

Increase your user base by 200% in 3 months.


See what people are saying…

“The Effiqs team bring an array of expertise across SEO/SEM. They understood our goals and worked with us to develop the right plan to attack them. I would definitely work with them again, as we outperformed our targets!"

Alex Apter
Marketing Director
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Why Choose Us?

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you’re not happy after the first stakeholder discovery session, we will refund you 100% of the 1st invoice within two business days, no questions asked.

Boosted Growth

Expertise in SaaS Growth: With Effiqs, you're leveraging a team that specializes in SaaS and Tech, ensuring strategies that resonate with your target audience.

Validate Sales Funnels

Data-Driven Decisions: We prioritize analytics and feedback, ensuring that our strategies are always optimized based on real-world performance and user insights.

User Loyalty

Our program excels in user retention for mobile Apps, turning brief interactions into lasting loyalty and making your app a market favorite.

It’s Time to Invest in Your Business

With our program you'll see a 200% growth in user base, and an increase in retention of 50%. This extensive program offers a wide range of services over a period of 3 months, in return for an investment of USD $3,450 per month.


How much does this program cost?

With this program, you will see your app’s user base grow with at least 200%, and increase retention by at least 50%. This will cost USD $3,450 per month.

What's not included in the program?

Our rates cover our services and one-time charges, but not advertising budgets, events, licenses to platforms or your marketing tech stack, and non-referenced services on the package. However, to make sure your business doesn't go over its financial limit, we will design a marketing budget that accounts for these escalating charges.

Do you guarantee results?

Yes, Effiqs takes responsibility for results if you outsource your marketing processes with us. We deliver results based on excellence, that's why we are confident enough to say that if you’re not happy after the first stakeholder discovery session, we will refund you 100% of the 1st invoice within two business days, no questions asked.

Why is this a 3-month program?

Our App Accelerator program is tailored for mobile apps aiming for enhanced market presence. The 3-month duration ensures we cover all growth and retention facets, from initial research to user engagement. This timeframe allows for effective strategy implementation, monitoring, and refinement, setting your app on a path for sustained growth.

How long will it take to see results?

With Effiqs, results won’t keep you waiting. Once we align on the definition of success, we'll immediately commit to tangible milestones that will manifest in your operations. Furthermore, to achieve the comprehensive range of targeted outcomes and key results, our complete engagement program necessitates a commitment of at least three months.

Will this program get me new users?

User acquisition is a pivotal part of this program. Leveraging our expertise, we'll steer you towards attracting more users and enhancing your app's growth trajectory. Moreover, we also focus on retention, to make sure that the new users stay.

Do you have a permanence clause?

No, because we know you will only stay with us if you are satisfied.

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Alex Hollander B2B SaaS Marketing Specialist

Accelerate your growth now


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